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september 24, 2008 (0086US)
love of the neighbor

The verb love is used sixteen times, but the noun love only twice in The Revelation of Arès. At first sight, such a scarcity is strange in a Message that came from the universe depths and that from end to end quivers with love of man. But the scarcity actually is intended to lay stress on  the very strong meaning that love has in The Revelation of Arès:

The verse 7/5 recommends that mankind should never be reminded of the Will that saves and the annihilation (self-extinction) of the rebellious souls in threatening tones, but always in a loving tone, that is, always in terms of prospects of the revival of perpetual happiness, because
the Will that saves just refers to what was originally willed by the Creator, that is, a mankind made happy and invulnerable through spiritual Life,
the annihilation of the rebellious souls has not a tragic meaning; it just means that, according to evolution and for millennia by now, a mankind that has for millennia freely opted for "might is right" (Rev of Arès, Adam, 2/1-5) against spiritual Life (24/5) and kind-hartened intelligence (32/5) has given birth to offspring devoid of a soul, so that each adult individual on earth has to re-create for himself his or her soul (Rév of Arès ch.17 & 18) by working up and practicing goodness.

The verse 25/7 emphasizes that love is wisdom, which the world needs to gain happiness, but which is by no means princes' wisdom, that is, guile (Rev of Arès 4/3) to pretend to love the opponents and unpleasant people so as to make them easier to catch or eliminate.

Amour du prochainLove of the neighbor is not selective

and so is not instinct love or tenderness love or attraction love as is parental love, romantic love or friendship.
It is 
wisdom love, a love of paramount civilizing prospect.

It is wise to love any human, whether close or distant, whether friendly or belligerent, because wisdom consists in changing the world for the better (Rev of Arès 28/7), seeking for equity (Rev of Arès 28/10), consolation and peace (28/15) in every domain. To achieve these ends love and spiritual intelligence have to offset intellectual intelligence, the worst forms of which  have made mankind go into decline — contrary to the rationalists' assertions — like apriorism, legalism, scientism and even ethics, because the Maker's Word is not made of ethics, but of Love. Such is the meaning The Revelation of Arès gives the expression the too much loving Father (12/7).
The Father just like man never naturally goes for malevolent creatures naturally. Nonetheless, the Father wants to see

the jewel of his Creation, Eden, come back to life and so has to prompt man to change his life (Rev of Arès 30/11). In all fairness, he cannot withdraw the right to enter into penitence (Rev of Arès 8/6, 31/2, 33/13) from anybody on earth. It's a matter of absolutenesss. Just like man's absolute freedom (Rev of Arès 10/10) the Father's absolute Love cannot but be absolutely willed.

"The Pilgrim to Arès 1993-1996" dealt with love at length (p.460). This blog 0086 only lays stress on the existential (or existentialist) side of love, which necessarily results from a free resolute purpose of getting out of egocentricity now an inevitability from birth. Except in some gifted humans, notably some women (see below), love of the neighbor has to be chosen, deliberate, and then gradually improved without losing its way in passion, which is just suitable for romantic love, because passion usually borders on disorder which romantic love alone can get up to without serious accidents. Love of the neighbor is performed with moderation (Rév of Arès 7/6, 25/9, etc.) and the moderation has been set: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19/18).
Just as penitence — striving and struggle to be good — begins with a decision, and then develops by the practice of goodness, but takes much time to becoming natural, the love for the repugnant or dangerous man — the one whose lips let pus or the worm come out or conceal the hook (Rev of Arès xxii/8) — has to be built up and experienced from scratch.

A believer, when not merely sheeplike, needs the right concept of truth, but has to gain it with time, because truth is not just the wording of the listing of principles, but results from real life, personal experience. All the more certainly in the field of love.
A number of women — but not all of women, far from it — gather and develop truth, love of the neighbor therefore, in a relatively short time, because they are maternal, which all of men ought to be likewise, but they have forgotten about it (Rev of Arès 2/3).

Consequently, women's spiritual intelligence is a less weak candle than men's (Rev of Arès 32/5). Most of men have to be far more existential than women. Deep down they have to pick up the voice of wisdom, which says that mankind will never gain happiness without continual problems, or wars, or disease, or death, as long as it keeps on separating its unpleasant, negative elements from its pleasant, positive ones, who all together make up the absolute — the Great Whole — that Eden was once made and will be made some day anew of.
Love of the neighbor cares little about the specification and qualifications of the loved one, since the loved one is everybody. Any individual is as good as any other individual in the absolute, but it comes as no surprise that a lot of men will have to make headway for long before getting at that stage of conception of the world, which verges on the stage of conception of the early Creation.

The masses, numberless, brainwhashed by the political hype, which the media keep on relaying, believe that it is possible to live without love of the neighbor, only in the peace of the law, of the social contract, of the "democratic" debates and of economic realism. The masses can't see that, just as eating can't go without drinking, living can't go without spiritually living. Otherwise, it is daydreaming, imagining that codes, police and civil services will be enough to make the world happy. Dreams of loveless society are even dangerous dreams. Which is proved by the fact that the world permanently lives under threat of war. Tragic evidences of this occurred in the 20th century when two dreadful wars broke out, during which it was incredibly easy to put uniforms on millions and send them to kill and even... hate each other. Which is going on outside of Europe.
Every day the political hype strives to maintain us in the belief that we cannot live without agreeing with laws, taxes and other contraints more and more pressing, because the powers fear that we could one of these days realize that we do not need laws, taxes and other constraints, if love of the neighbor spreads, and that politics and religion are to disappear then.
Life can do much more than strive to last and be organized. With the help of love it can re-create itself, blossom, fulfill its potential, develop ceaselessly, privately as well as socially. If you want to grow into something far greater than whatever you are forced to be, just put your trust in love! Choose that path and, even though it is at first unrewarding, uncomfortably gritty and rocky (Rev of Arès 25/5), follow it persistently.

As a result of your love for the neighbor, a different planet will appear.

I tell you that christianity will not be an endless failure.


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