English Comments #192US
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December 24, 2017  #192US

We members of the small remnant believe in The Revelation of Arès, but we at times forget that we as apostles need people to believe in us.
What's more, we have hope but we forget that we are also hoped for.

       A dead vesselA live vessel
       Despair is a dead vessel                                                     Hope is a live vessel under a sail of a soul

Language is inadequate forever.
Each of us feels something "other" in  one word, which means that each of us basically has his or her own language, own understanding of whatever is said. Hence the inescapable bit of incommunicability or difficulty of understanding between human beings.
So some people consider faith and hope as having a one and only sense, for instance the conscious nonpossession of truths which they think can be otherwise in existence without any proof of them.
But to me as the witness to the Father faith and hope have different meanings.

Faith is what I have with a proof of it.
Hope is what I do not have, but could have
with no proof that I might have it any day.

I have faith because I have both The Revelation of Arès and the proof of it, as it has been sonorously dictated to me by Jesus as the Father's Messenger, and later by the Father Himself, both of them having physically come down from Heaven.
I have faith, because I have had the proof of the Father of the Universe (Rev of Arès 12/4), Who revealed to me in a fantastic turmoil and spoke to me.
I have faith, because I have acquired both real piety (Rév of Arès 31/6) and the proof that by uttering the Word I can really every day remember the indissoluble link I have had with the Whole, the Totally Other, the Universe, Life.
I have faith, because I have practiced penitence (Rev of Arès 30/10-11), which has enabled me to change my life, so that I have got the proof that a man whoever can change.

Hope calls to mind whatever I can only hope for, though I am unsure if I can get it any day, for instance my soul (Rev of Arès 4/4-8, 17/4) or my salvation (11/2, 17/6, 32/4), because I am unsure whether my penitence is adequate or not.
So to me hope is just straining or a move towards the goal, while faith is the evident state of mine.
Hope is a wonderful great journey, the goal of which I know, but the events and legs of which I am unaware of.

The Arès Pilgrims do not celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas, because there is no statement about Jesus' birth on December 25. He was born in summertime instead according to few clues. But the Arès Pilgrims see Christmas as the celebration of hope. Hope was celebrated in very ancient times already, at the winter solstice, when the daylight was to get longer: People handed out coins ans food to the destitute, slaves were granted a day when their masters waited on them, children were given all that they wished, because they represented hope above all else. Ancient people indicated already that they hoped for a time when poverty, slavery, hardship would vanish and life would be endless happy childhood.
Conversely, ten centuries later, Dante Alighieri in his "Divine Comedy" would imagine that a board on top of the gate to Hell read : "Forgo every hope, when you enter". He would apply the theological sense, whether Christian or Muslim, of hope in his time. Hell was considered as eternal then. What a stupid disparity between a sin or a few sins, even awful sins, and an eternal agony! That improbability has lasted until our modern time when the majority of believers still fail to think of it as a stupid thing and lack spiritual intelligence (Rev of Arès 32/5).
I do not know what sort of fate will be mine, when my heart stops beating, but I hope it will be mild, because human beings' hope is but the true reflection of the Father's Hope, Which is generous.
"Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed," said Anaxagoras about 440 b. J.-C., which was a concept that Lavoisier would resume about 1780. Indeed, all in the Father's Universe (Rev of Arès 12/4) is in perpetual transformation (xxii/12).
So all is just perpetual hope in the Creation.

Anxiety, fear, affliction and rationalism indicate that hope is lacking or problematical. Hope appears at the junction between health and illness, between happiness and unhappiness, between life and death. Hope, such as I mean hope, does not belong to the men who trust only what they see and what they feel, and it does not belong in probability calculus. To see or feel coolly and to count probablities comes down to putting up with things and events. Hope belongs to no one but the ones who blare in the deserts, or who sing in distress, or who stand fast in storms..

All of the great obstinate, Brutus, Colombo, Zeno,
have that fiery word, which gleams under their eyelids:
Hope! — It half-opens a stone-built mouth
In the fearsome enclosure where the dead lie on their beds,
And now Don Juan petrifies and goes pale!
He makes marble spectral, he makes man a statue,
He strikes, he hurts, he stamps, he brings back to life, he kills;
Nemrod says : "War!" and then, from the Ganges to the Ilisos,
Swords shine, blood flows. "Love each other!" says Jesus.
So the word stands out forever and in the infinite universe
reverberate over all living, over you Tiberius,
In the heavens, on the flowers, on the man looking younger,
Like the blaze of love for the infinite!
("Contemplations") Victor Hugo.

copyright 2017

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